
Status complete
Tags cozy, d/s, f/f
Warnings none

Esther makes a trip to town, picks up a new article of clothing, and unintentionally creates a new ritual with her Miss.

# The Kitchen, Home

As she always does, Esther rises earliest, before the rest of the household. She carefully extracts herself from Miss Rachel's arms, takes a quick shower, then pads into the living area to tend to the fire and start on breakfast. The dishwasher is blinking a friendly green, and she hums softly to herself as she unloads it. Right as she finishes, the kettle beeps, and she sets some coffee brewing. Once that's started, she prepares a quick pancake mix and sets it aside for when the others are awake.

She looks around the kitchen, pleased to see that there's no other tidying that needs to be done, and glances out the window. A few inches of snow have settled overnight. Just looking at it gives her a chill, and she pulls her light house-dress tighter around herself, pours herself the first cup of coffee, and goes to kneel by the fire to warm herself and wait for the others.

She doesn't have to wait long - Miss Rachel is an early riser as well. She greets Esther, as she generally does, with a gentle hand on the head. Morning, pet.

Esther sighs happily, tilting her head to look up. Morning, Miss. Would you like coffee? And pancakes?

Miss Rachel smiles at her. That sounds perfect, pet. If you do some bacon as well, I bet Tabby would appreciate it.

Of course, Miss. Esther gets to her feet and pours Miss Rachel a mug of coffee, serves it to her at the table, then starts cooking. Before long, perfect, fluffy pancakes are coming off the stove, with a side of crispy bacon, and Esther serves the first plate to her Miss. Miss Rachel takes her first bite of pancake and groans softly in pleasure; Esther quickly looks away to hide her blush.

You're such a good cook, pet. These are divine.

Thank you, Miss.

Esther finishes making a second trio of pancakes, serves herself a plate, and takes a seat across from her Miss to eat. She generally tries not to talk while eating, since it seems un-ladylike, and her Miss seems absorbed in thought, so the meal passes in companionable silence. Once they're both finished eating, Esther clears the plates and wipes up a couple of errant spots of maple syrup on the dining table, then goes to kneel next to Miss Rachel's chair, cradling the rest of her mug of coffee in both hands.

Miss Rachel lays a soft hand on the back of Esther's neck, two fingers gently wrapping around her collar. Sleep well, pet?

Yes, Miss, thank you.

I still need to do the chore schedule for today, Miss Rachel says, but I'm giving you this morning off. How would you like to spend it?

Oh - um. I don't need the morning off, Miss. I'm doing fine.

I didn't say you needed it, pet. I said I was giving it to you. You know how I feel about you taking regular breaks. How would you like to spend a morning off?

Esther falls silent for a moment, thinking (and enjoying Miss Rachel's light hold on her collar, she admits). An idea strikes her, and she looks up. Could I go clothes shopping, Miss?

Miss Rachel beams at her. Of course, pet. Do you want me to come with you and choose for you, or do you want to shop by yourself?

I'll go on my own, Miss. May I have some money to spend?

Miss Rachel gives her another smile, and Esther feels her face heat slightly. Even though Esther has plenty of her own money, Miss Rachel requires her to ask before spending any of it. It's a little bit embarassing to ask, but in a way that feels wholesome and good, so Esther pushes through it for her Miss.

Yes, of course, pet. Don't spend more than three hundred dollars, though. Do you know what you're looking for?

I think so, Miss. I'd like a heavier dress or two for winter, and some new hair coverings.

Miss Rachel nods approvingly. I'll look forward to seeing what you come home with, pet. She cocks her head slightly, listening. And that sounds like Tabby getting up.

Yes, Miss, murmurs Esther, getting to her feet and padding back into the kitchen. Breakfast for Tabby, putting the kitchen back into shape, and then... a drive into town, in winter, by herself, to buy clothes. Clothes which her Miss is looking forward to seeing. She swallows, throat suddenly dry, and considers asking if Miss Rachel will come with her after all. She chews on the idea while Tabby's pancakes cook and steals a glance at Miss Rachel embracing her other wife. No, she decides - she'll go on her own, and not impose her worries on her Miss. If she asked for help she knows it would be gladly given, but she doesn't want to need to rely on her Miss to do things like this, so she bites her lip and steels her resolve.

# Junction Street, Ashley Falls

Ashley Falls is a little town of about two thousand people, nestled in a mountain pass and surrounded by a dense, almost trackless forest. It's normally about a thirty minute drive from home, and not a particularly difficult or dangerous one, except that Esther rarely does it alone and even more rarely does it in snow. Miss Rachel has no sense of humor at all about Esther taking needless risks with her life, so she drives slowly and cautiously and the journey stretches out to the better part of an hour.

The post office, a cheerful little red brick building, comes abruptly into view as she pulls around a corner into town, and Esther feels herself relax. She continues a couple of blocks along Junction Street, Ashley Falls' main road, then takes an empty spot in the train station's parking lot. She flexes her hands, exhales the rest of her nerves about driving, then digs her phone out of her purse.

E: I made it to town, Miss. I drove carefully.

She pockets her phone again and sets off down the street, looking for a particular vintage and thrift shop she remembers from her previous trip into town. The crisp winter air feels lovely in her lungs, and she finds herself savoring what little sunlight is making it through the cloud cover. She stops in a tiny park for a moment, stretches, and then her phone buzzes in her pocket.

R: Good girl. Get yourself a snack and a drink.

She smiles at her phone and taps out a reply. E: Of course, Miss. Luckily, Second Cup, her favorite coffee place in Ashley Falls, is right between the first and second shops she was aiming to visit.

She spends a few minutes browsing and ultimately finds a very modest and comfortable dress in a rugged dark grey fabric. Bouyed by her initial success, she heads to Second Cup, where she indulges in a chai latte and a muffin. She sends her Miss a picture, then puts her phone away and watches small-town life happen on the street outside for a little while.

At her second stop, she manages to find another long-sleeved and modest dress made of thick wool, which ought to be plenty warm for the winter. She also manages to find two pairs of thick leggings, a cream-colored linen shift for inside the house, and a lovely pair of elbow-length cloth gloves. On her way back to the truck, she stops into a crafting shop and manages to buy a couple of bolts of cloth for herself; although she doesn't really know how to sew, perhaps Miss Rachel can teach her and she'll be able to make more of her own things.

With her shopping complete, she hops back into the truck, sends her Miss a smiling selfie and a note that she's leaving Ashley Falls, and sets off towards home.

# Rachel's Study, Home

Esther knocks gently at the study door, then kneels, waiting to be allowed in. Miss Rachel might well be in a work meeting, in which case she may have to wait for some time, but Esther doesn't mind; her own share of the chores is relatively light today, and she quite likes how it feels to wait for her Miss to receive her. She smooths her new dress slightly, gathering the long skirts neatly underneath her legs. Her outfit now covers her from head to toe; she has a floor-length dress of dark wool with long sleeves, underneath which she's wearing some of the warm, thick tights and the long gloves. Every inch of skin below her neck is covered and she can't remember ever feeling quite so cozy in winter. She's also taken some of the cloth and wrapped it over her hair so that only her face can be seen, which creates an effect (she hopes, anyway) of deliberate and careful modesty, rather than prudishness. She thinks her Miss will like it, but she's not quite sure, and as she waits she finds her hands twisting nervously in her lap.

A couple of minutes later, she hears her Miss from inside: Come in, pet. She opens the door, and sees that Miss Rachel is still focusing on her computer, evidently deep in thought about some work task. Esther silently pads over to her owner's chair and kneels by her side. Her Miss absently reaches down to pet her hair, then looks down in surprise when her hand finds cloth instead.

A new look, pet?

Esther nods. Do you like it, Miss?

Miss Rachel makes a thoughtful noise. Aesthetically, certainly - but what made you choose such a modest style? I hope you aren't trying to hide your body, pet. You know I like seeing you... all of you, often.

Esther flushes. I'd never want to hide from you, Miss. I just... I like the idea of seeing me being something special, if that makes sense.

Miss Rachel laughs. Seeing you is always something special, pet, but I know what you mean. You want to hide your hair as well?

I know you love my hair, Miss. I want to - to keep it, just for you.

Hmm, her Miss says. I like that. Let's make that a new rule, pet: you'll keep your hair covered at all times, unless you're asleep, in the shower, or I give you permission. How does that sound?

I... I would like that very much, Miss, Esther says. She looks down at the floor, embarassed at the sudden surge of arousal she feels.

Miss Rachel gently takes her by the collar and tilts her head upward, forcing Esther to look at her. I can tell you like it, pet, she says, with a slight smirk. Esther nods silently, and Miss Rachel gently tugs her hair covering off with her other hand. My beautiful girl, she says in a soft husky voice, gazing down at Esther. Esther swallows and nods again.

Yours, Miss.

Miss Rachel smiles. An addition to the rule about keeping your hair covered: if I uncover your hair in my presence, you do not leave my side until I permit you to cover it again. Do you understand, girl?

Of course, Miss. I will do as you say.

Good girl, her Miss purrs. I have about another half an hour of work to do before I can stop to eat lunch with you, and I'd much rather have you with me, so...

Her Miss leans down slightly, pulls Esther's hair cover firmly across her eyes, and knots it behind her head, blindfolding her.

Get comfortable, pet. You'll get it back in a bit and you can make lunch for us and start on your chores; for now, I want you to just wait there.

Yes, Miss. Thank you for blindfolding me, Miss.

Miss Rachel chuckles. You know, pet, coming from most subs I'd think that was empty politeness, but you really do appreciate that I blindfolded you, don't you?

Esther nods. Yes, Miss.

Miss Rachel ruffles her hair gently. I love you, girl.

Thank you, Miss. I love you too.